Spotlight on: Mercy Center

By: Jackie Jankewicz

Helping Single Moms Keep a Roof Over Their Heads

Single moms are the largest group coming to Mercy Center in Asbury Park for help. Take, for example, a woman we’ll call “Emma” who came to Mercy Center carrying her child who was crying with hunger. They had been living in a car. Emma had lost her husband to cancer, then her job, and finally her home. 

Until now, Mercy Center could not help Emma with emergency services and housing because she was not a victim of domestic violence. Mercy Center’s state funding only covers victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. But now, thanks to an Impact 100 Jersey Coast grant of $100,000, Mercy Center will be able to help “Emma” and others like her. 

Immediate Help, Personalized Solutions

The Housing Matters program will provide emergency shelter, and utility and rental assistance for up to 50 single moms and their children. Moreover, it will connect these families to Mercy Center’s wrap-around services, including housing navigation, social workers, trauma counseling, and immigration guidance. 

Impact 100 Jersey Cost Held Annual Meeting: ‘Make Your Impact’

The Two River Times featured pictures from the Impact 100 Jersey Coast 2019 Annual Meeting, where 440 Impact members gathered to listen to the five finalist presentations then voted on the four 2019 grantees. The grants in the amount of $110,000 each were awarded to COA, CASA, APMF and St. Mark’s.

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Powerful Women’s Group Provides Transformational Change, IMPACT 100 JERSEY COAST AWARDS FOUR $110,000 GRANTS

Impact 100 Jersey Coast held its Annual Meeting on November 19th where the organization’s 440 members selected the four grant finalists to receive $110,000 each. The four selected were Asbury Park Music Foundation (Arts and Culture), Clean Ocean Action (Environment, Parks and Recreation), Court Appointed Special Advocates of Monmouth County (“CASA”) (Children and Families) and St. Mark’s Center for Community Renewal (Health and Wellness).

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News: Impact 100 Jersey Coast Announces 5 Finalists for 4 Grants of $110,000

Community Magazine features Impact 100 Jersey Coast and its five 2019 grant finalists: Asbury Park Music Foundation (Arts and Culture), Clean Ocean Action (Environment, Parks and Recreation), Court Appointed Special Advocates of Monmouth County (“CASA”) (Children and Families), St. Mark’s Center for Community Renewal (Health and Wellness), and Senior Citizens Activities Network Inc. (“SCAN”) (Education).

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News: Annual Wine & Martini Tasting Benefit Raises More than $50,000 for Impact 100 Jersey Coast

The Community Magazine’s May edition features Impact 100 Jersey Coast, which has raised over $50,000 as the beneficiary of the 16th Annual Salt Creek Grille Wine & Martini Tasting Fundraiser, where 100% of proceeds from the sponsorships, ticket sales and live auction items went directly to Impact 100 Jersey Coast and the Impact flag will fly from the waterfront restaurant throughout the entire year with the intent to create more awareness. Impact’s 2019 final membership count is also featured in the magazine.

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News: Women’s Philanthropic Movement Reaches $1 Million Mark

Impact 100 Jersey Coast has reached an amazing milestone as it closed its record-breaking 2019 membership season. This fall Impact Jersey Coast will award four grants of $110,000 each – bringing its total funding to nonprofits in Monmouth County to more than $1.1 million! Interested nonprofit organizations in Monmouth County should visit the Impact website for more details.

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